What to put next in your first aid box? Activated carbon!

Activated Carbon

Activated carbon (aka activated charcoal) is a porous substance that attracts and holds organic chemicals. That’s the reason why it is used in many applications for purification. To your amazement, this tiny substance can also purify our body, and sometimes, even save our life in emergency first aid.

More than cleaning water and air, activated carbon in powdered form helps prevent the poison from being absorbed by the stomach into the body. Sometimes, several doses of activated charcoal are needed to treat severe poisoning. Some activated charcoal products contain sorbitol. Don’t freak out at the term. Sorbitol is simply a sweetener working for the elimination of the poison from the body.

When it is used in sufficient and cautious quantities,activated charcoal can effectively neutralised more than 4,000 chemicals, drugs, plant and microbial toxins, allergens, and wastes. Activated charcoal is also an effective detox for practically any drug overdose if administered in time. It also counteracts ingested aspirin, cocaine, morphine, opium and the list continues endlessly.

Big things start small. Despite its tiny size, Activated carbon is functioning around the world as a universal remedy for hundreds of poisons. It definitely deserves to be kept in every medicine cabinet and first aid kit. Of course,to achieve the safest result, call your doctor or an emergency room for advice before taking this medicine.

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