The Shocking Fact of Animal Abuse

We have seen animals abused and animals’ cruelty intentionally from the human egoism. As a big example, some of the countries in South East Asia are using animals labour to replace human and even transportation. 

Horses are used as a transportation to carry out the goods of the agricultural products or as human transportation. Monkeys are used to collect coconuts, to make it worst, the monkeys are forced to collect up to hundreds of coconuts in a day. 

This has made organizations and NGOs concerned about and threatening business owners for the acts of animal’s cruelty, animal’s abused and animal’s labours. 

According to the Wildlife Rescue, the animal cruelty is often broken down into two main categories: active and passive, also referred to as commission and omission, respectively. 

Active Cruelty (Acts of Commission) 

This is an act when a person has deliberately and intentionally caused harm to an animal, this action is referred to the NAI (Non-Accidental Injury). A person who has intentionally abuse animals is often a sign of serious psychological issues and sociopathic behaviour. 

Passive Cruelty (Acts of Omission) 

Passive cruelty is typified by cases of neglect that can cause incredible pain and suffering to an animal. 

Examples of neglect widely range, including (but not limited to) the following: 

  • Starvation 
  • Dehydration 
  • Parasite infestations 
  • Inadequate grooming 
  • Allowing a collar to grow into an animal’s skin 
  • Inadequate shelter in extreme weather conditions (including leaving your pet in a hot car) 
  • Failure to seek veterinary care when an animal needs medical attention 

Another forms of passive animal abuse that animal lovers do not know that it is forbidden to take partaking in: 

  • Purchasing pets from irresponsible breeding situations, such a puppy mills, catteries, or hoarders 
  • Habitat destruction 
  • Over-hunting 
  • Using products tested on animals 
  • Buying animal-sourced food (meat, dairy, eggs, etc.) from factory farms 
  • Participating in experiences where animals are mistreated for means of entertainment, such as attending a circus, rodeo, or roadside zoo 
  • Allowing legal surgical acts, such as declawing, tail docking, or ear cropping 

How to report animal abuse 

You can report the animal cruelty that you have witnessed, you can report it to the local police department or your local shelter or animal control agency for assistance. 

Here is the following information before reporting to the animal control agency: 

  • Write factual statements of the conditions of crime scene that you have observe. 
  • Photographs of the location and the condition of the animals if possible. 

Do not forget to record every information you reported, including the date of the contacts and copies of any documents you provided to law enforcement or animal control.