Choosing the Right Charcoal Briquette Brand: Factors to Consider for Optimal Performance

Charcoal Briquettes

Charcoal Briquettes

Cavron’s Coconut Charcoal Briquettes are of an extremely high quality and are 100% natural. We do not use any artificial chemicals in our products. The granulated charcoal is mixed with our all-natural tapioca starch to bind the charcoal briquettes – a 100% food grade product made from the plant Manihot Esculenta.

Our BBQ briquettes are based on our high-quality carbon granulate from carbonised coconut shells and offer a superior green alternative to regular wood charcoal and fossilised coal. The use of our briquettes is primarily as a fuel source for barbecuing. In other words, with Cavron Coconut Charcoal Briquettes you will know what you are grilling with – we guarantee that our charcoal is clean without any unhealthy, badly tasting chemicals.


When it comes to grilling with charcoal briquettes, selecting the right brand can make a significant difference in your grilling experience. With a plethora of options available, it’s important to consider certain factors to ensure optimal performance. In this blog post, we’ll explore the key factors to consider when choosing a charcoal briquette brand that meets your grilling needs. Get ready to make an informed decision and take your grilling game to the next level! 

Quality of Charcoal Briquettes:  

One of the primary factors to consider when selecting a charcoal briquette brand is the quality of the briquettes themselves. Look for brands that use high-quality ingredients, such as natural charcoal and binders, without additives or chemicals. Well-made briquettes should be uniform in size, dense, and burn consistently. They should provide a long-lasting and even heat distribution for optimal grilling performance. Choosing a reputable brand known for its quality can ensure a more enjoyable grilling experience.

Burn Time and Heat Output:  

Consider the burn time and heat output of the charcoal briquettes offered by different brands. Longer burn times are desirable, especially for slow-cooking or extended grilling sessions. Higher heat output can provide a quicker and more intense sear for meats and achieve that perfect charred exterior. Balancing these two factors based on your grilling preferences and needs will help you find a brand that suits your cooking style. 

Ease of Lighting:  

Starting a fire with charcoal briquettes can sometimes be challenging, but certain brands offer briquettes that are easier to light. Look for brands that provide briquettes with a quick ignition or fast lighting capability. These briquettes can save you time and effort, allowing you to start grilling sooner. Additionally, consider brands that offer alternative lighting methods, such as self-lighting or pre-soaked briquettes, for added convenience. 

Ash Production and Cleanup:  

Another factor to consider is the amount of ash produced by the charcoal briquettes. Some brands create less ash, resulting in easier cleanup and maintenance during and after grilling sessions. Brands that have minimal ash production can also contribute to a cleaner and more enjoyable grilling experience. Look for brands that prioritize reducing ash and offer briquettes designed to minimize residue. 

Price and Value:  

While price shouldn’t be the sole determining factor, it’s important to consider the cost and overall value when choosing a charcoal briquette brand. Compare the prices of different brands and evaluate the quality and performance they offer. Consider the balance between price and value, ensuring that you’re getting a good deal based on the quality, burn time, heat output, and other factors mentioned earlier. 


Choosing the right charcoal briquette brand is essential for achieving optimal grilling performance. Consider factors such as quality, burn time, heat output, ease of lighting, ash production, and price when making your decision. Evaluating these factors will help you find a brand that aligns with your grilling needs and preferences. So, take your time, explore different options, and select the perfect charcoal briquette brand to enhance your grilling experience.