Tips to Cut Down on Your Fuel Consumption

Fuel pump

Fuel pump

Fuel pump

It’s summer and you love to travel, but you don’t want to waste a lot of your money on gas. And of course, we don’t want to pollute the air so much. Fortunately, there’s a lot of effective ways to reduce your fuel usage and to find alternate low-impact means of transportation:

  1. Brake the right way
  2. Ride theslipstream
  3. Rent a smaller car
  4. Use the correct grade of motor oil
  5. Replace air filters as needed
  6. Switch to a hybrid or more fuel-efficient car
  7. And the most obvious one: drive less

For more detailed tips, be sure to check out this helpful guide. And, as always, feel free to share your own tips for reducing gas usage in the comments.

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