Lead Crisis in Hong Kong’s Water – PART II


How could lead get into my drinking water?

Generally, lead gets into our water after the water leaves your local treatment plant or your well. That is, the source of lead in your home’s water is most likely pipe or solder in your home’s own plumbing. The most common cause is corrosion, a reaction between the water and the lead pipes.
How can I tell if my water contains too much lead?

You should have your water tested for lead. Since you cannot see, taste, or smell lead dissolved in water, testing is the only certain way to tell if there are harmful quantities of lead in your drinking water. You should be particularly suspicious if your home has lead pipes, if you see signs of corrosion, or if your non-plastic plumbing is less than five years old.
How can I reduce my exposure?

If your drinking water is contaminated with lead – or until you find out for sure – there are several things you can do to minimise your exposure. Actions should be taken right away by everyone who suspects a problem.

First, refrain from consuming water that has been in contact with your home’s plumbing for more than six hours. Before using water for drinking or cooking, “flush” the cold water faucet by allowing the water to run.

Once you have flushed a tap, you might fill one or more bottles with water and put them in the refrigerator for later use that day. (Be green: the water that was flushed can be used for non-consumption purposes such as washing dishes or clothes)

Smoking Area

Smoking Area

The SP AREA series is part of Smoke Solution’s full range of smoking cabins, lounges and Smoking Areas in SINGLE, DOUBLE and TRIPLE unit combinations. As a multi-unit Smoking Area, the SP AREA is an efficient way to accommodate several users simultaneously. Compact in dimensions it can be efficiently fit into most interiors.

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